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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-19  |  214KB  |  2544x3300
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OCR: Macintosh Overview The Macintosh 1 personal com corfiguration vou need Using Adding to the pover and puter is the high-performance, hardware and software options versatility ot the Macintosh II open-architechire member of from Apple and third parties, the K Apple's first -generation the Macintosh family provides Macintosh can support other multitasking operating system, advanced color and graphics operating environments, includ- MultiFinder' MuluiFinder allows capabilities, with palettc of ing MS-DOS and AT&T UNTX you to open multiple applications over 16 million colors To go with the Macintosh concurrently and perform back- The Macintosh II is designed yU have : choice of monitors- ground tasks such las printing for advanced applications 1n husi- including the AppleColor High documents on ...